Preventive Practices
You have to care your eyes, Many of the problems that affect the eyes are preventable by practicing appropriate hygiene, good nutrition and basic preventative steps. Prevention is directly related to peoples behavior and the choices they make in how they live their lives. Good health education can lead to making healthier behavior choices.

Risk Eye infections and maternal gonorrhea. Note: Maternal gonorrhea is a venereal disease; blindness in the newborn is prevented with antiseptic or antibiotic therapy.
Preventive Steps

RiskExcessive and unprotected exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation may contribute to or worsen Pterygium, cataracts and macular degeneration.
Preventive Steps
Injury Prevention
Risk Burns that damage cornea are caused by household cleaners, pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers. Also debris in the eye, traumas to the head and infections resulting from traumas.
Preventive Steps

Risk Vitamin A deficiency leads to night blindness, dry eyes, and pain in the eyes. Vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of non-infectious blindness in children worldwide. Deficient diets also impair healing and
recovery from injuries and infections.
Preventive Steps -

You have to care your eyes, Many of the problems that affect the eyes are preventable by practicing appropriate hygiene, good nutrition and basic preventative steps. Prevention is directly related to peoples behavior and the choices they make in how they live their lives. Good health education can lead to making healthier behavior choices.
Risk Eye infections and maternal gonorrhea. Note: Maternal gonorrhea is a venereal disease; blindness in the newborn is prevented with antiseptic or antibiotic therapy.
Preventive Steps
- Do not share: towels, handkerchiefs, bandannas, bed pillowcases and linens, or cosmetics
- Wash hands: prior to and after touching the eye or playing with children
- Do not wipe sweat from eye using work shirts or other work clothing to prevent exposure to dust, pesticides and contaminants.
- Face Washing: frequent washing of face will discourage face-seeking flies which carry trachoma in many parts of the world.
- Household: Proper disposal of rubbish and feces and moving livestock away from houses will reduce the number of flies.
- Entire family needs to cooperate regarding household hygiene
RiskExcessive and unprotected exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation may contribute to or worsen Pterygium, cataracts and macular degeneration.
Preventive Steps
- Wear sunglasses or safety glasses with 100% UV blockage and wide brim hat
Injury Prevention
Risk Burns that damage cornea are caused by household cleaners, pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers. Also debris in the eye, traumas to the head and infections resulting from traumas.
Preventive Steps
- Use safety equipment properly:
- Wear ANSI-approved, impact-resistant safety glasses or work goggles
- Use 100% Ultraviolet blockage sunglasses or goggles
- Use well fitting cap with a strong brim
- Stay alert and do not using audio equipment that hinders hearing
Risk Vitamin A deficiency leads to night blindness, dry eyes, and pain in the eyes. Vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of non-infectious blindness in children worldwide. Deficient diets also impair healing and
recovery from injuries and infections.
Preventive Steps -
- Eat foods rich in Vitamin A such as red, yellow, and green vegetables, fruits and diary products. Eat a well balanced diet overall, including an adequate daily intake of protein.
- Diabetics should eat foods recommended to manage their disease.
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