Every girls and woman wants to get ride her under arms hair by the easy mean, there are many common methods to remove unwanted hair and ever method has its advantages and disadvantages, here i am describing all with upside and down sides.
For instance, if you're sensitive you should avoid applying wax and choose depilatory cream instead. Anyhow, here are the top 5 methods for armpit hair removal:
1. Shaving - No.1 Technique on How to Get Rid of Armpit Hair.
Shaving is the fastest, simplest and cheapest method that you can use both at home and on trips. Furthermore, almost anyone can use it and no skills are required for the job. However, the miracle doesn't last for too long, and you'll find out that only after few days the first peaks of hair will start appearing again and the skin will become rougher. It's also recommended not to use this method very often as the area will become more sensitive and the risk of ingrown hair will significantly increase.
Advantages: It's quick, simple and efficient. It can be used even while you're away from home.
Disadvantages: The effects won't last very long, and you'll find yourself repeating the procedure at least once every few weeks.
Using depilatory cream is both quick and easy, but it works only while you're at home. Depilatory creams dissolve the hair from the skin's surface and the area will remain smooth for a longer time as compared to shaving. If your skin is very sensitive, avoid those creams that use cheap ingredients because they can cause both allergies and irritation. Basically it's good to do a tolerance test before using the cream. Some lotions even incorporate micro Aloe Vera capsules, so if you want to avoid rash it's best to look for those ones.
Advantages: It is an inexpensive, fast and efficient method, and the cream can be applied at home, in your private area.
Disadvantages: Hair will quickly grow up again, and some creams might irritate those with very sensitive skin.
Laser will practically melt your armpit hair, but that doesn't the procedure is painful. Because it is attracted to dark colors, women with white skin and dark hair will gain the best results from this technique. Dark skin absorbs less of the laser, which might cause burns. In this case it's recommended a lower laser intensity, but the results will be mostly the same. There is no guarantee that this technique is permanent, but hair will grow thinner each time. This technique is also the most expensive one, so choose carefully where you want to do it. A specialized clinic is often recommended.
Advantages: Hair is removed on the long-term and in most cases permanently.
Disadvantages: The procedure is quite expensive and takes up a long time, requiring a pause of 4 weeks between sessions (meanwhile the remaining hair must be shaved and not waxed).
4. Electrodes - Best Results, Highest Costs - Unparalleled Method on How to Get Rid of Armpit Hair
Electrodes permanently will get rid of unwanted hair, but get ready to pay a serious price. How does this technique work basically? Well, a very fine needle is inserted inside the hair shaft and through a discharge the electrodes will cauterize blood vessels, preventing future hair growth. To close all the hair shafts you'll require a long time (eg at least 10 hours for each armpit). This method is also the most painful of all and it's recommended only for very light hair.
Advantages: Permanent results.
Disadvantages: High costs, the procedure is not recommended to everyone.
Wax pulls the hair from its root, and the skin will remain smooth for another 3-4 weeks. However, the pain amount is quite significant, but intaking a paracetamol pill 20 minutes after the depilation session will greatly help you in surpassing it. This method is not recommended if you suffer from varicose veins, if your skin is sun burnt or if you're in the menstrual cycle. Alternatively, you might also use disposable cold wax. It's not recommended to apply hair removal cream before or after, but you might use a special oil to soothe the skin.
Advantages: It's quick and cheap.
Disadvantages: The results won't last very long and the procedure can be quite painful.
If you're still wondering "how to get rid of armpit
hair?" you should there are also other methods available, but the ones
that I mentioned above are by far the most effective. Whichever of them you
might choose the results will appear in no time!
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