Tuesday, 17 September 2013

do and don'ts for healing of piercing



  1. Clean your piercing 2 to 3 times daily until piercing has healed.
  2. Expect a little bleeding and redness for the first week of healing.
  3. Contact your piercer if you have questions or concerns.
  4. Contact a doctor at the first sign of infection (pain, excessive swelling, darkly colored discharge or excessive bleeding).

Do Not:


  1. Touch or play with your piercing. Ever.
  2. Swim in pools, ponds, lakes, marinas, hot tubs, rivers, or any unclean body of water.
  3. Wear tight or constrictive clothing directly over your healing piercing.
  4. Introduce makeup, lotions, lip balm or other health and beauty aids into your healing piercing.
  5. Sleep directly on your piercing.
  6. Bandage (i.e. suffocate) your piercing.
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